
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

What's in Kevin Yoder's wallet?

You may have heard there is a huge disparity in how much money Kevin Yoder has raised compared to Patricia Lightner in the race for Congress. Looking into it, I noticed much of Yoder's money is from out of state, and many of those out of state donors have ties to pro-gay activism.

Kevin is my representative, and in 2005, I was puzzled when he voted against a state Marriage Amendment to protect Kansas from the exact sort of attack that forced Iowa to institute same-sex marriage. Ultimately, the Marriage Amendment was placed on the ballot with 70% of Kansans supporting. The people of Iowa don't want same-sex marriage any more than Kansans do, but it was forced on them, because their state had no Marriage Amendment. Had Yoder won out, we Kansans would be in the same boat as Iowa, and could well have same-sex marriage today. Well, Yoder's vote makes total sense now, and it will to you, too, if you keep reading.

Yoder has been getting thousands of dollars from out-of-state gay activists starting in his very first race in 2002 when he was fresh out of law school, and the same year he switched his party membership from Democrat to Republican. Gay activists were supporting him long before he decided to seek national office. Why would out-of-staters care who represents the 20th district of Kansas? I believe they were setting him up to leave us vulnerable to a legislative or judicial assault -- like Iowa -- and Yoder did as they wanted.

Before you think this is an insignificant issue, consider that the 2011 Congress may well be deciding not just America's policy on same-sex marriage; but also on open homosexuality in the military; on alleged 'discrimination' against people based on sexual behavior or identity; on whose moral view will be taught in schools; on who you can and can't hire; on whose speech will be allowed in the workplace, from the pulpit, or in private conversation and whose will be labeled as 'hate speech' and how these 'crimes' will be punished, which medical conditions are covered; what will be 'tolerated' and what will be 'criminalized', and what free speech and freedom of religion will look like in the future. This 'side issue' is not insignificant!

Given his vote, and his donor base, I believe Kevin Yoder would be a certain vote in support of pro-gay political goals. Gay activists from CA to NY have expressed their vote of confidence in him with their dollars for the past 8 years.

There is a solid, conservative alternative to Yoder, and her name is Patricia Lightner. She can -- and must win. And she WILL win if you pass along the truth about Yoder. If this seems outlandish, read the links below yourself. Please be sure all your Kansas friends and contacts realize that a vote for Yoder is a vote for the gay political agenda. Forward it; post it; blog about it -- advance voting is already underway!

Don't be impressed when you see the jumbo Yoder signs around town-- now you know whose $$$ paid for them.

And here are a few examples, and the citations:
1. Bradley White, a California member of the board of governors for HRC -- a radical gay rights group (www.HRC.org) began donating to Kevin Yoder in 2002.

2. Patrick McKenna, a San Francisco activist that gives THOUSANDS to liberal Democrats -- including $2500 to the Obama Victory Fund in 2008, and even donating to the Soros-founded "America Coming Together" -- also donates to Kevin Yoder for Congress.

3. James Alexander and Curtis Drayer, a prominent gay couple in Chicago, gave and raised thousands for Kevin Yoder's since his original run for the Kansas House in 2002 through the present.

4. And John Blair, gay activist and The Arizona director of Obama for America gave money to Kevin Yoder as early as 2006.

(1) Bradley White http://www.hrc.org/documents/AR_2000_2001.pdf , p. 21 ; http://nolathe.files.wordpress.com/2010/07/yoder-7-29-02.pdf

(2) Patrick McKenna http://twitter.com/patrick_mckenna/ , http://www.newsmeat.com/fec/bystate_detail.php?zip=94133&last=Mckenna&first=Patrick

(3) James Alexander and Curtis Drayer - benefactors of Center on Halstad http://www.centeronhalsted.org/programs/COH2004AR.pdf , http://nolathe.files.wordpress.com/2010/07/yoder-7-29-02.pdf http://www.newsmeat.com/fec/bystate_detail.php?city=Chicago&st=IL&last=alexander&first=james

(4) John Blair http://query.nictusa.com/cgi-bin/qind/
http://ethics.ks.gov/CFAScanned/House/2006ElecCycle/200607/H020KY_200607.pdf , p. 2

more articles here: http://nolathe.net/

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